Kaisercrafts new File set ... a Must have for all those sanding jobs!

Bec's bookshelf has begun - see the link below for her tutorial on creating these fabulous little books with matching bookshelf...

The Kaiser Bookshelf sample from the website - isn't it gorgeous?

I just made a comment on Lee's blog about the Kaiser sanding tools, and I thought it might be good to share these tools and some Kaiser product reviews with everyone.
The files are great for getting into all the tiny little spaces in the kaiser OTP project books etc., I love them for roughing up the edges of my atc's, sanding back the paper you glue to your chipboard shapes/books etc.,
As a retailer, Bec and I stock these in our store
Scrappindipity. The files are very reasonably priced and can be used over and over again. The large file is like a normal nail file only a little coarser (don't use it on your fingernails) so it is a bit flexible and won't last as long as the other thin ones - they are made from metal and will last a lot longer.
The bookshelf above is so cute!! I can see them being used for special events or moments in life - ie: one book for each milestone birthday, or one for each member of the family etc., The possiblities are endless for decorating these books.
Bec also created a tutorial for the mini-books and shelf by Kaiser - you can see it here:
Mini Book TutorialBec has been playing with a lot of the new Kaiser product releases, and will soon be uploading her latest batch of greeting cards made using these cute papers in the "sugar sugar" cupcake range - they are gorgeous and you will want to see them, so bookmark our blog and come back soon to see them.

Have fun!