Dear Universe,
I normally say nice things to you.
My daily chat usually includes a little gratitude and requests for healing for my family & friends if they need it.
Today is different - I am unhappy - well if I'm going to be honest with you, I'm really pissed off with the way things have been going...
I feel like you are kicking me while I'm already down?
I don't think it is fair.
The pain and heartache I'm feeling is enough - do you hear me universe??? It's enough!!
I don't need to be stressed about anything else right now. All these financial problems we are having and you already know that my health isn't that good - so please stop making things harder for me.
There are days where I want to climb under a rock, or run away and never come back, or simply not even wake up!! Yet, I persevere with the hope of good things in my future. I have loving children and a husband, and I am doing my best, to enjoy them and love them. Really, I am trying not to give up. I am trying not to fall apart. I am trying to heal my body from it's pains.
That strength people talk about that comes from inside...... well I'm trying to find it. Where is it Universe?
I want to cry every minute of the day, but I don't always allow it. Sometimes I take a breath and push the emotional pain deep inside myself, you see universe - it's not always an appropriate time or place, to allow my emotions to flow. So I wait - but then it can become unbearable and then the tears escape my eyes without me being able to control them!
You have my Mum with you now universe, and I'm sad and I miss her so much.
I have so many emotions & thoughts buzzing around in my head, my heart hurts & I'm feeling really exhausted.
I saw my Mum regularly all my life, but I saw her every day for the last 11 years when we had her move into a granny flat in our backyard. (except for the few holidays I went on, or an over-nighter here and there) My home is SO empty and quiet now, her absence is awful, and I don't like it one bit. OK, I understand that there were probably so many others on the other side, that wanted to see my Mum. But Universe, I need your help.......Now that my Mum is gone from my physical life everyday, I need you to help me to cope with this change!!
I also need you to help my children & husband cope, we all miss her so much!
Also, while I'm airing out my closet - I don't think it's fair that my husband and I have to struggle so much every day financially - he works hard, surely you can see that. He works every hour his employer will let him. He never says no to work and doesn't complain - he is a good hard reliable worker. We have both worked hard over the years, and yet we don't seem to ever get ahead, and struggle all the time.
Why Universe??
I have many things I want to achieve Universe, if you would give me a chance.
I am ready to claim my universal wealth however you deem it comes to me, so please bring it on!!
I have been patient - but my patience is slipping away.
My positivity is slipping away.
Can you please send me some healing universe, can you send my family & friends some too?
Could you send me a sign, or let my Mum show me she is happy?
Can you send us some good luck, even a little sprinkling would be nice!
I'm sorry if I'm asking for too much, but I really feel like I need more positive things to happen in my life right now...... Please.