A tribute to our Dear Soxy

Yesterday our cuddly, snuggly, smoochy soxy cat went to sleep. This pic is with Amy - around 6 years ago... one of my absolute favourites.
It was a sad day, and today is the first morning I haven't woken to her crying for food, or to be let outside.
Soxy's Kidneys were failing, she was even turning yellow. Her poor tummy was so bloated from gas, which made her constantly want to eat to help the gas pains release. Although this was happening she didn't complain much at all - only during the night - when she was waking us up several times to be fed and let out, and let back in.
She was an awesome pet, for 19 long years - Soxy was Amy's kitten, and Amy took her to be put to sleep peacefully, as we didn't want to see her suffer at all.
The outcome if we left her, would have been horrible and a painful one - so Rest in Peace our dear Soxy Cat.
I MISS HER already - please send her Love & Light on her journey to the other side :)
Here Soxy is GETTING comfort & love - yes, that's a warm wheat bag on her back. She is comfortable on my 'healing table' and on the blanket.

Just look at that cute big belly - I tickled it for her all the time, unfortunately it was full of gas from her kidney failure..

Here she is GIVING comfort & love - she always 'knew' when someone wasn't feeling well, and would come and snuggle up to you - Firstly she was with me when I had just come out of surgery. I look terrible, I know!!

Here she is with Amy after she damaged her knee (Amy is waiting for surgery now to repair a lot of damage!) I just love the way her little paws are curled around Amy's arms - aww

Soxy with my Mum - This was the day before she went to sleep -

Sitting on the couch, her nightly position where I would give her back a nice scratch and she would get her nightly cuddles :

Here's Soxy, sitting on my computer desk - in my IN-TRAY - she didn't want me to do any work that day!! LOL

Here she is feeding herself, she used to love getting that box of cat biscuits :) This pic is a couple of years old.

Here she is with Bec - Bec was cleaning out my pantry and Soxy decided to investigate - this is the day before Soxy went to sleep.

Here's Soxy 'sunning herself' under an umbrella that was sitting outside my mum's 'nana-shack' so cute!

If you managed to read all the way down here, and enjoy my pictures of Soxy - Thankyou for sharing her precious life with me :)