11 September 2007


I'm not too sure what I'm doing with this blog now. I really want to be able to have a folder/set for my atc's - so that I can separate whats available and whats not. Like flickr I guess, or even VOX blog... can't seem to do that here. Nor can I have 'friends' here - I find it hard work visiting link after link, it's so much easier and less time consuming to be able to see all my friend's new works on flickr. Oh why can't they just improve and add a blog into flickr?? Wouldn't that be wonderful. I think so.
I like the look of blogspot, love the fact that it is so widely used - yet am finding it quite limited for my needs. With the ability to 'blog' a photo direct from flickr, I am thinking I will just blog each picture i add and maybe occassionally pop in here and type something... same with vox i guess. At least the pictures are all organised over at vox.
Today I plan on scanning another 24 atc's that I have made - will upload to flickr and choose a few for here. Maybe I should scan the 9page sheet and just upload that, so there is only 1 pic showing the 9 cards...hmm sorry just thinking out loud.
Oh and then theres the facebook to consider - not that im doing much with that either. I have all these wonderful people some i even consider really nice friends, but they are scattered all over the internet. With so many links/bookmarks/blogs I get myself confused and even forget where people are. Someone invent a blog that links and gathers all information together in one place Please!! just for me.. lol
Oh well, back to figuring out what I'm going to do with all this tech stuff.. Have a great day.

1 comment:

  1. IMO Flickr and my blog are totally different, and I love them both. I don´t upload all my work at Flickr, and sometimes I like to have a bit space to describe a piece or a challenge. You can "meet" your friends via the comments function and answer them, so your blog allows some communication, too. Hope you´ll make yourself at home at blogspot, Lorri!


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