I was browsing some blogs today and the gorgeous
Jan had a birthday - Happy birthday Jan. On her blog she had received some of those gorgeous decorated spoons that were featured in the last issue of cloth paper scissors magazine... They are coloured with alcohol inks, one of my favourite products. I love the spoons.. and really, the point of this post is to let you know about 'spoons'.. you see there is this site
http://butyoudontlooksick.com/the_spoon_theory/ that is all about the spoon theory, if you haven't heard of it - then visit the site. It's a site dedicated for people who are suffering from different things - and some days I just need spoons!!
So if you ever see me write - more spoons, need spoons, got spoons - then you will understand what I am meaning.. :)
The website has products for sale, poetry and a pile of stuff for supporting suffering people and yourself.
Read the poem "The spoon Theory" - it really explains what it's like for a lot of us!
I think this is great, maybe i should buy one.........
GIVEAWAY:I would really love to have more spoons, of both kinds - so if you are feeling up to it, I would be forever grateful to receive some spoons of love and healing. If you would like to get creative and make some spoons for me, send them to me, (if you just want to send me the images, that too would be fine)...
I will upload them here on my blog and then I will choose someone to
receive a package of 'gratefulness' filled with awesome art goodness from me.... xoxo